Nine vectors of human capability model, provides an innovative and insightful approach to development that forms the core model of PROGILENCE. We believe this new millennium will be defined by human capability development in all its dimensions. In a world of increasing competition, social pressures and most of all uncertainty, we offer a model of holistic human development incorporating various critical elements required for greater achievement of human potential. This will provide individuals, organizations and society capabilities that put them at a vantage point to make better sense of their being, their environment and its contents and therefore serve to provide greater clarity for personal, organizational and social effectiveness.
The Progilence Model
Nine Vectors of Holistic Capability Development
This model will be especially important for people in roles responsible for development of others, within the education, development, government and corporate sectors. Therefore Policy makers, HR and OD specialists, Teachers and Trainers, Institutional and Social leaders will find this especially relevant, useful and insightful.