Improv as a Training Tool
Improv as a training tool is being widely used. Improv is short for Improvisational theatre, also called improvisation. It is the form of theatre art, in which unscripted content is created spontaneously by performers, resulting in generation of funny and comedic narratives. It was popularized a great deal by the TV show, “Whose line […]Read More
Skills Development Structures in India
Structural and fundamental mistakes, along with a limited understanding of scope and principles, underpin the skills development reforms in India. Internationally advocated models and practices inspire the core structure of the endeavour, but neither the interpretation nor the implementation has been effective and well thought. It is though commendable for politician, bureaucrats, the private and […]Read More
Reservations in Higher Education
Many a debate are raging on reservations for Dalits (lower caste) in higher education in India. This is in light of recent tragic cases of suicides of Dalit students, on account of alleged discrimination. To lose lives to discrimination is testimonial to how we refuse to learn, adopt and apply an appropriate value system that […]Read More
Views on Sharda Prasad Committee Report on SSC and TVET reforms in India
It is evident from the report commissioned by the government, through the Committee that was chaired by Mr. Sharda Prasad, former Director General of Employment and Training, Government of India that the focus and struggle to find a solution in the TVET and Skills Development space is still very much on. There seems to be […]Read More
Education – A CAS (complex adaptive system) View
As a country and perhaps even the broader society we continue to grapple with issues around education and its role in preparing the citizenry for optimal participation in society, maintaining and progressing its existence, values and institutions. Some of these value objectives revolve around longevity, good health and dignity of humans as individuals and as […]Read More